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About Us

In 2012, a group of Texas living historians met in a hotel room in Dallas at the annual Association for Living History, Farms and Agricultural Museums conference and proposed the creation of a statewide living history organization to provide support, growth, and community for the living history hobby in Texas. The fledgling organization held its first annual conference in January, 2013 and began the process of creating the active and thriving organization it is today.


TLHA is a 501(c)3 public charitable organization governed by a board, which consists of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Director, Webmaster,  and Regional Representatives.


An annual conference is held every January to share knowledge, best practices, and skills. TLHA’s Facebook page continues to be an invaluable sounding board for advice and feedback from the community. Those involved are proud of the strengthened community which has resulted in this organization and strive for continued growth in the years to come. 

TLHA regions map.jpg

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Board & Representatives

Executive Board


Kimberlee Berezuk


Diane Dowdey


Susan Davis


Katelyn Heisch

Communications Director
Chris Twing

Regional Representatives




Janet Rice



Cameron Lyman


Colton Sheffield



Tricia Meadors Hopkins


Forts/Hill Country

Kyna Stys

Members at Large

Linda Sanders

Charlotte Prack

Board of Directors
  • facebook
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© 2021 Texas Living History Association

All photos and content are property of TLHA and its members and cannot be reproduced without permission.

Privacy & Legal Statement

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