Become a
TLHA Member
Membership in the Texas Living History Association is open to any individual or organization interested in supporting our mission and purpose. TLHA does not discriminate on any basis providing equal opportunities for all members.
TLHA is incorporated in the State of Texas as a non-profit tax-exempt (501[c][3]) organization, and is governed by a member-elected Board in accordance with member-approved bylaws.

Membership benefits
Access to a statewide network of living history professionals and volunteers.
Access to the Members' Only webpage.
Access to the private TLHA Facebook Group
Voting privileges. (Members must be at least 18 years of age in order to vote).
The ability to hold office on the TLHA board.
Notifications of any business brought before the Association for a vote of the membership, all events, activities or functions and training opportunities.
The ability to write for the TLHA blog.
All donations, memberships, etc. are tax deductible
Priority workshop registration.
TLHA members have the opportunity to apply for a fellowship to ALHFAM that is sponsored by TLHA.
Reciprocal membership to the Arkansas Living History Association's conferences and workshops.
Choose your membership
15$Every yearIndividuals 18+- Annually renewable
60$Every yearAllows up to five members to attend TLHA-sponsored event.- Annually renewable
15$Individuals 18+Valid for one year- Valid for one year only
60$AlloValid for one year- Valid for one year only